Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Mysterious cold spot in the universe

There is a mysterious cold spot in the universe and an empty spot according to The Independent.

The concluding paragraph:

The Hawaii scientists said that while “the existence of the supervoid and its expected effect on the CMB do not fully explain the Cold Spot, it is very unlikely that the supervoid and the Cold Spot at the same location are a coincidence”. The team will continue to study the cold spot using extra data, they said.

Is 'extra data' just an infelicitous expression? It suggests people scooping up some chads from a laboratory floor. Popular science is the point where sloppy thinking meets something that could be interesting.

AND AN UPDATE to this story-- comparing the Guardian version of this story we find a void in the Independent's reporting----

The Guardian says:

....The supervoid is not an actual vacuum, as its name suggests, but has about 20% less stuff in it than our part of the universe – or any typical region. “Supervoids are not entirely empty, they’re under-dense,” said András Kovács, a co-author at the Eötvös Loránd University in Budapest.

And this quote compares instructively with the below,  from The Independent article cited at the start of this post:

The ‘supervoid’ is 1.8 billion light years wide, ‘the largest individual structure ever identified by humanity’ and full of absolutely nothing.

We at least know this: they are not both quoting the wikipedia source.

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