Thursday, June 30, 2011

Pinpoint THIS

Neuroscientists Find Famous Optical Illusion Surprisingly Potent
Released: 6/28/2011 11:00 AM EDT
Source: University of Rochester
Newswise — Scientists have come up with new insight into the brain processes that cause the following optical illusion...

There follows a link  to a youtube video which clearly demonstrates this effect---after a certain kind of motion your brain continues to see that motion in things which are NOT actually moving. Aristotle noticed this "optical illusion."

Now a scientist at the University of Rochester has pinpointed an area of the brain where this illusion originates. According to the article scientists are carrying on research to determine if this illusion is beneficial.
What they neglected to look for was an area of the brain where the effect that '"any explanation whatsoever" makes a researcher feel he has found a sufficient explanation', originates.  

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